Staff Alumni

Hello Former Staff members, or, as you now being called, Staff Alumni. The Council is interested in recruiting you to get back involved in Scouting and, specifically, back at Boxwell. In coming months there will be more information about how you can get involved this summer with teaching or working with physical facilities at Boxwell. So, check back often or e-mail the webmaster with your questions.

In the meantime, we’d like you to consider coming out and volunteering on a camp work day this spring. Called “Beaver Day,” April 14 is a day to do work around the reservation in preparation for summer camp. Check out the attached flier (in PDF) for more information. If you are interested, clip off the bottom of the flier and send it in to the Council or contact camping[at]


Website updates

While it may not seem like it, we are working on Version 3 of! We hope to have a new site up later this spring, but definitely by summer.

With that in mind, please keep in mind that some of our maps are a little outdated. And, as always, while we are strong supporters of Boxwell Reservation and the programs at the camp, is not officially affiliated with Middle Tennessee Council. Thus, if you have specific questions about the summer camp program, contact the Council Office at camping[at]

We look forward to seeing you with the new site in a few months!