From the Archives: November 24, 2012

This entry from the “From the Archives” series focuses on old Parnell.  As most know, Camp Parnell has been officially closed for years.  Indeed, the last time it was open as a Scout resident camp was the summer of 1998.  Thus, while it was one of the original camps at Boxwell, it has now been closed for almost 15 years.

One of the neat anomalies of Parnell is its flag pole.  Scouts and staff in the late 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s will undoubtedly remember the permanent metal flag pole up at the dining hall.  However, unlike Stahlman and Craig, which have had relatively stable flag arrangements, Parnell’s has moved around a few times.  The metal flag pole at the dining hall is the second flag pole.  The third flag pole is the in the field between Showerhouse One and Site Five.  But thefirst flag pole and assembly area is in what most people consider the Athletic Field.  Cut down several years, the original flag pole was actually three posts: two in the ground and a third fastened between the two.  This post existed from the 1960s into the early 2000s.  See the photo below from Chris “Kit” Eckert from 1970 showing the flagpole with the lake clearly visible in the background.

Parnell Flag Pole

Boxwell Reservation, Camp Parnell, Parnell Original Flag Pole and Assembly Area, 1970. Note that Explorer Island is clearly visible in the background.

From The Archives

Clearly, the idea of putting up a photo a week was too ambitious!  Thus, this feature is officially renamed “From the Archives” and will be tagged as such from this point forward.

This installment is a photo of the Howard Olson OA Lodge.  This photo comes was taken July 4, 2012 and showcases the new patio area and renovations made to the Lodge.

OA Lodge

Boxwell Reservation, Howard Olson OA Lodge, 2012. Note the improved porch area as well as the new flood lights for night time events.

VirtualBoxwell videos

When the VirtualBoxwell team originally created our Multimedia CDs, we decided that we really needed to make some camp specific videos.  These would be something new and unique.  Even if you had most of the photos, you probably didn’t have the interviews or promotional videos or all those pieces together.

Today, some of those videos are floating around out there, but VirtualBoxwell has not been given credit for the videos.  For instance, Wa-Hi-Nasa website has a page on camp promotions.  The video for Camp Craig and the video for Camp Stahlman are from the VirtualBoxwell Camp Craig and Camp Stahlman multimedia CDs, respectively. Indeed, these are the same videos posted by wahinasa111 on Youtube.  Rest assured, these are movies we created!

Feel free to use any material we place here or on our products, but please give us credit for that material. Thanks!