As you are undoubtedly aware by this point, is a repository of an immense amount of photos relating to the history of Boxwell Reservation. Indeed, we have literally thousands of photos–some good, some great, some only okay–of the reservation over the years. It is an immense collection and, with your help, growing.
What you may not be aware of is that we also have hundreds of hours of audio interviews. Conducted over the last 10 years or so, we have tried to interview a variety of people. We transcribe these interviews and make audio CDs from the sessions.
So, for the next month, instead of photos, VirtualBoxwell is going to be sharing stories. This first installment is the transcript of the interview with Tom Willhite in September 2002. Included here is the transcript in its entirety. Over the next few weeks, we’ll just focus on individual stories. If you have anything to add, namely stories of your own, we encourage you to do so.
So, enjoy this 2002 interview with Tom Willhite, conducted by Russell Parham. Included for your entertainment is an MP3 file from the interview about the red staff hat.