Tom Willhite Funeral Information

Tom Willhite passed away this morning, Sunday, September 22, 2013 while preparing for church.  The current belief is that he suffered a sudden and massive heart attack.

Visitation will be Tuesday September 24th 4-8 pm at the Murfreesboro Funeral Home (145 Innsbrooke Blvd, Murfreesboro TN – 615-896-2229)

The funeral will be on Wednesday September 25th at 11:00 am.  Visitation that morning starting at 9:00 am

Burial will be in the Fountain Grove Cemetery in Morrison TN.  (43 miles south in a community cemetery near the home of Tom and Marie Willhite.)

One thought on “Tom Willhite Funeral Information

  1. ” The lives of the dead remain in the minds of the living”. Cicero

    Tom’s life was lived in such a manner that he will be remembered as “a good man”.

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