From the Archives, August 31, 2014


We often just think about Boxwell as a Summer Camp, but the Reservation serves many functions.  In recent years, it is the host to Winter Camp.  In days past, it often was the home to Council Jamborees.

In 1976, the United States Bicentennial, the Council’s Fall Jamboree was held at Boxwell Reservation.  The photo here shows two things.  First, it demonstrates how large the Jamboree was.  You can see tents from Camp Murrey at the very top, through Stahlman, down through Parnell’s Atheletic Field all the way into Parnell itself.  There are also tents “up the hill” around the Cripple Crab.  This was not a small event!

It is the second point that really catches the eye though.  In the area that today is the home of the William Weaver Amphitheater (built in 1985), you can see that Scouts and participants to the Jamboree have spelled out the word “Liberty.” How’s that for Scouting patriotism?


Spelling out “Liberty” at the 1976 Bicentennial Jamboree

2014 Staff Reunion Photos

Last Weekend for 2014 Boxwell Staff Reunion Photos!

This is the final weekend we’ll be offering the 2014 Staff Reunion Photos, so if you haven’t downloaded the photos, you should do it now! The “formals” are provided in a printable, 8×10 format. “Informal” photos are provided as well. There are approximately 510MB of photos, so give yourself some time if you have a slow connection!

Formal Reunion Photos

Informal Reunion Photos

Enjoy the photos!

Staff Reunion

2014 Boxwell Staff Reunion

From the Archives, August 24, 2014

A Quiet Scene

There are many great photos of Boxwell.  As we’ve shown, we have great images of buildings, activities, and people.  Sometimes–as with last week’s post–we even have some photos and stories verifying myths and legends.  All of these are critical parts of Boxwell’s history.  But sometimes, the personal connection is best.  After all, it is the people we worked with who brought us back each summer.

So, this week, a simple scene.  Waterfront staff members Jason Bradford (l) and Bo Collier (r) on the ramp to the docks of the brand new Craig Waterfront at Duckhead.  A little free boating–a common late afternoon activity–takes place in the background.

No history here; just keeping it simple.

Bradford & Bo

Jason Bradford and Bo Collier at the Craig Waterfront. 1995 was the first year for the Duckhead Waterfront.

From the Archives, August 17, 2014

See Rock City–The Proof!

Last October, we relayed the camp legend of the “See Rock City” message painted on top of the Parnell Dining Hall. If you don’t remember it, see here:

Thanks to the Reunion Archiving Project, we now have the best proof we’re ever going to get!

Seen here is a photo taken by Mike Brown in an aerial flight over Camp Parnell in 1991.  The lettering is faint, but if you look very closely at the back side of the dining hall–just above the chimney–you can still make out “CITY.”  Though faded, here is evidence of one of Boxwell’s greatest legends!

See Rock City II

Here it is–the only known proof of “See Rock City” painted on the roof of Parnell Dining Hall!

From the Archives, August 10, 2014

Happy Birthday!!

We all know that Camp Murrey was a family camp.  This meant that for Scoutmasters and for adult staff there was a place to bring their families while they were at camp.  For adult staff in particular, this meant that a part of their lives–their families–were going on just down the road.

Pictured here is a good reminder of how life at Murrey was very different from life on the rest of the Reservation.

Leann Human celebrated her 6th birthday at Camp Murrey in 1974.  Because she was living at Murrey, it only made sense that she have a birthday party at Boxwell, complete with children of other leaders and staff as well as a Raggedy Anne birthday cake!  The man leaning in from the left is none other than the Reservation Director Ed Human himself!  Murrey was indeed a world within itself!

Human Birthday

Welcome to the other side! Life at Murrey included teaching Scout skills and swimming, but it also included birthday parties!