Ennis E. Murrey
One of the names that has faded into history at Boxwell is Ennis E. Murrey. While it is well-known that E. B. Stahlman was head of the Nashville Banner and Leslie G. Boxwell ran a culvert company, Murrey is a virtual unknown.
Murrey got involved in the banking business back in 1905 and organized a mortgage company in 1935. He was involved in several local Christian organizations, including the YMCA, Scarritt College (now defunct), and the Methodist Church.
In terms of Scouting, he was treasurer of the Council for 25 years, a member of the Executive Committee for 35 years, and a recipient of the Silver Antelope and Silver Beaver. The 1957 Class of Eagle Scouts was named for him as well!
Camp Murrey, one of the Old Hickory Boxwell’s original camps, was named for Murrey and his son, Ennis E. Murrey, Jr., another Council Treasurer.
[Note: The biography and the photo here both come from the 1958 Eagle Banquet Program. The Program is part of the K. C. Hardcastle, Jr. Papers found in the Tennessee State Library and Archives: http://www.tn.gov/tsla/history/manuscripts/findingaids/89-010.pdf]
Portrait of E. E. Murrey from the 1958 Eagle Banquet program. This is a digital copy of a microfilm photo, hence the quality. The image itself can be found in the K. C. Hardcastle, Jr. Papers in the Tennessee State Library and Archives.