We’re up to the 1980s now in our Staff Remembrance program. Unfortunately, we do not have a staff photo for Stahlman in 1987, nor are we sure that such a photo even exists. However, the program director that summer was Ernie Ragsdale and he led a motley crew: Trent Craig as Commissioner, Jim Barr at the Waterfront, Jim Armstrong in the ConYard, Jack Holt in Field Sports, Web Webster in Handicraft, Mark “Mr. Mushroom” Johnson at Trading Post, and Tom Roussin in Kitchen.
We do have a staff photo for Craig staff in in 1987 (Parnell was closed as part of the two year rotation). The Program Director was Jerry Barnett with Mike Brown in the Activity Yard, Pat Deugaw (known here as “The Kool-Aid Man”–“Old Soldier” would come over a decade later) in Field Sports, Joey Boyd in Handicraft, David Qualls in Trading Post, and Mike “Yard-Ape” Yarbrough in Kitchen.