The 1994 Capital Campaign: The Fehrmann Training Center and more
The last major renovation for Boxwell itself as far as the Capital Campaign was concered was the renovation of Akers Cabin. For those who worked at Boxweel in 1960s and 1970s, the cabin was known as Ittabeena. This was Ward Akers’ summer home and private residence. It was out of bounds for staff unless specifically invited for a designated purpose. After Akers left, the professional staff began calling the cabin the Training Center, but the staff simply referred to it as Akers’ Cabin. Both were accurate terms.
But as a training center, the cabin was really too small. It need a larger meeting space and a more appropriate entrance and that’s what it got. A large donation from George Fehrmann (President of APCOM, Inc. and heavily involved Scouter) paid for the work and the log cabin was expanded and renovated. It became less of resident and more of a meeting space.
Of course, there were other smaller developments that rounded out the campaign at Boxwell. The Percy Dempsey Camporee Area renovated old farm land and became an active part of the reservation. The hanging sign was removed in the early 1990s when the farmer who owned the land sold the embankment dirt. The Cogioba District put forth the money for a new sign.
And there were other non-Boxwell-related expenditures as well. Both the Parish Reservation (Rock Island) and Grimes Canoe Base saw some improvments. The Jet Potter Center received some renovations and there was money earmarked for program as well. And of the $7.8 million goal, around $3 million was earmarked for a council endowment which would eventually pay for 20% of the COuncil’s operating budget by the year 2000. Clearly, the 1994 Campaign had ambitious goals and it delivered.
Seen here is the Fehrmann Training Center on its lake facing side.