On This Day, July 9

On This Day–Saturday, July 9, 1960–dedication ceremonies were held Boxwell Reservation on Old Hickory Lake. The preceding weeks had been a buzz of activity as professionals and camp staff alike worked to finish up the property for summer camp. Summer camp itself was already running by the time of the dedication ceremonies. Helicopter rides allowed guest to fly over the new reservation and “open house” visits of the property began at 1:30 p.m. James G. Stahlman of the Banner presided over the formal dedication ceremonies held at Stahlman, which began at 4pm. Over 1000 people attended the formal ceremonies, which included such luminaries as E. B. Stahlman, Rep. Carlton Loser, E. E. Murrey, and R. L Parnell. Telegrams were read from Governor Buford Ellington, former governor Frank Clement, Senator Albert Gore, Sr.,and Rep. Joe Evins. A quick “Boxwell Dew” briefly moved the festivities into the dining hall, but the events concluded outside. Four camps were dedicated: Stahlman, Parnell, Murrey, and Light.

Stahlman Opening, 1960
One of the truly remarkable gems in the collection. This is an aerial photograph of the Opening Ceremonies at Boxwell, specifically Camp Stahlman, in July of 1960. Note that none of the roads are paved yet.

Want to learn more about Boxwell history? Buy the first Boxwell history book, For the Good of the Program, available for pre-order until August 31, 2021 here: https://mtcbsa.doubleknot.com/event/a-century-of-middle-tennessee-scouting-at-boxwell-1921-2021-book-pre-order-cc120/2832417

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