The Walk-Out Reunion
The summer of 1976 was a rough one. Following the Akers “scandal” and early retirement, a lot of cuts were made at Boxwell. Electricity was pulled out of staff sites and so were hot water heaters everywhere except Murrey (they returned in 1977). The Ski Dock was closed. The camp season was shortened. A new Reservation Director, Tom Willhite, started.
Not surprisingly, a lot of returning staff were very unhappy with the changes. The final nail in the coffin for many came when they were told they would be charged room and board for the summer. To make a long story short, this was too much for several older staff. They walked on the first Sunday of the first week of camp.
Among those who “went on strike” that day were the program directors at both Stahlman and Parnell: Garland Russell and Steve Eubank. Rumor has it that Dutch Mann walked as well that day. All were teachers or principals. But after the dust settled and a few private conservations, it seems that only Garland Russell did not return later that same week.
Pictured here are Russell, Eubank, and Mann (with Bill Murphy smiling in the background) at the first staff reunion in 1983. It’s the only photo we have of these three together and one of only two of “Coach” Russell. Russell passed in 2011 and Mann in 2017.