Happy New Years’ Eve! As we prepare for 2023 here at VirtualBoxwell, we’ve made a few site changes. All pages have been updated to reflect 2023 for the copyright. Also, as we do every three months or so, we have a new banner image on the main website (http://www.virtualboxwell.org) and the blog (http://virtualboxwell.org/v3/blog/). Below is the original image from former Ranger Steve Belew in the winter of 2010.
We’re tinkering with a few ideas for this year that we hope to roll in the next few weeks. Some should be pretty interesting, but one is going to be a site update. With the development of the Skilled Trade Center at Parnell, we’ve finally accepted the end of Camp Parnell as a resident camp. So, some time in the next month or so, we will update the Camp Parnell map to reflect the current reality on the ground. In the meantime, be sure to visit the “Classic Parnell” page while it is still up! http://www.virtualboxwell.org/camp_parnell.php