Introducing Danny Waltman–Association Trustee
My name is Danny Waltman. I am a member of the Eagle Scout Class of 2006 from Troop 4 out of south Nashville. I worked in a variety of capacities on staff at Boxwell from 2001-2013. I started as a Trading Post clerk at Camp Craig for two years and worked in the Craig Davy Crockett First Year Camper program for a year. I then served as the OA Rep at Stahlman in ’04 before serving as the reservation wide OA rep the following year. That’s when things get blurry. I spent a few weeks in Shooting Sports, a few weeks at the Waterfront, a week or two in Conservation, a week as Kitchen Director, Handicraft from time to time, and a full summer in the Activity Yard. I would then serve as AY director and the Program director for 2 years at Stahlman. I took a year off to get a Masters in Education, but came back for a summer to work in the Boat Harbor. Now that I have 1 son in Cub Scouts, I have been serving in my son’s Pack as an assistant Cubmaster and now Cubmaster in Goodlettsville. I plan to return to the staff in the next year or two.