Boxwell Staff Alumni Association Officers

Introducing Grady Eades, Association President

Grady Eades joined the Boxwell staff at Camp Craig in 1990. The Eagle Scout continued his time on the camp staff through 1997. He served in the Activity Yard, eventually becoming Activity Yard Director, Camp Commissioner, and Program Director at Camp Parnell in 1997. He worked with Jerry Barnett, Kerry Parker, Tom Willhite, Larry Green, and Ron Turpin. He helped developed the Davy Crockett Rank Requirement program, served on Brownsea staff with Lance Ussery and Ben Whitehouse, and completed Wood Badge course MT-37, when Perry Bruce was Scoutmaster.

After leaving the camp staff, Eades went on to work with Parker, Russ Parham, Charlie Ray Smith, Michael Seay and others to capture staff photos and history, which eventually became He served on the 1999 and 2009 Staff Reunions and chaired the 2014 and 2021 Staff Reunions. He wrote the history of Boxwell, For the Good of the Program: A Century of Middle Tennessee Scouting at Boxwell, 1921-2021. He currently serves as an Assistant Den Leader in Pack 75 in Hendersonville and webmaster of

Aside from his Boxwell work, Eades has been teaching history at Volunteer State Community College in Gallatin, TN since 2002. He met his future wife Renee there and the couple wed in 2010 and had a son a few years later.

One thought on “Boxwell Staff Alumni Association Officers

  1. hi Grady..
    I’m working on a memorial plaque for the health lodge at Boxwell.
    Our good friend and nurse extraordinaire passed away during covid
    and I think we’re ready to get this up on the wall.
    Do you happen to have a good picture of Carl Adkins? He was the director during most of her time there.
    Appreciate anything you have.

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