The Passing of Isham “Ike” Bradley

The VirtualBoxwell Team is sad to report the passing of Isham “Ike” Bradley.  Bradley was Waterfront Director at Stahlman in 1972.  According to our records, he was part of the Stahlman Waterfront for several years, up to 1977.  Like many other tight-knit staff members, he and others did Scouting together in off season, even taking a backpacking trek to Glacier National Park after camp in the fall of 1974.  As Gordon Bryant, who worked with Bradley, recalled, Bradley “designed, cut out and constructed a leather hat in the handicraft tent” that he wore on the trip.  He also “had the foresight to include cornmeal and a fly-fishing rod in his pack, and the Dolly Varden Trout he caught, cleaned and cooked was the best fish I have ever put in my mouth (he allowed only one bite to us non-fishermen)…. At the 100th anniversary reunion, several of us spoke with reverence of Ike’s quirky humor and his singular personality. He was always a pleasure to be around.”

While an official obituary has not yet been posted, services will be held Monday, June 19 at Harpeth Hills Memory Garden in Nashville.  You may follow for updates here:  Bradley was 70 years old as his passing.

Seen here is the photo provided by Gordon Bryan of the Glacier National Park trip. Pictured are, standing left to right, Ike Bradley (in his aforementioned leather hat), Paul Christian, Gordon Bryan, Jim Hammond. Kneeling, left to right, Travis Handwerker and Jon Wynn.  All but one is a Boxwell Staff Alumni.

1974 Glacier National Park trip. Standing left to right, Ike Bradley, Paul Christian, Gordon Bryan, Jim Hammond. Kneeling, left to right, Travis Handwerker and Jon Wynn. 

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