From the Archives, February 25, 2024

Break-down site

Have you ever wondered where Boxwell junk goes? By “junk,” we mean those pieces of equipment that are broken or no longer usable or simply undesirable.

Over the years, various approaches to “junk” have been used. There have been auctions and what amount to yard sales. Alternatively, some equipment–cars mostly–have literally been buried behind the compound. And sometimes material is given to local farmers.

Seen here is a farm on Woods’ Ferry, located directly adjacent to what is today Percy Dempsey Camporee Area. From the mid-1970s to early 1990s, the farm was owned by a man named Clarence and rented by Assistant Ranger Farmer Bush. It was private property. Nevertheless, if there was broken down, un-repairable equipment, usually something large like a water heater or oven, it was often taken here and deposited. What happened after that is open for speculation…

Collection of Kerry Parker

The Break Down Site on Woods Ferry
The place where broken equipment was often laid to rest. A private farm on Woods Ferry next to what is today Percy Dempsey Camporee Area, 1985.

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