Happy 2025 Everyone!
For those who keep track of Council history–and we have a small interest in that topic here–2025 is a big year for anniversaries. Here’s a quick run-down:
1965: 60 years of integrated Boxwell
1975: 50 years of Groundbreaking for Jet Potter
1975: 50 years since fall of Ward Akers
1985: 40 years of Billy Walker’s COPE
1995: 30 years of CubWorld (Dedication on October 25, 1995)
2005: 20 years of the Josh Sain High Adventure Gateway
We’re tinkering with a few ideas on how to commemorate these events. In fact, one of our New Year’s Resolutions is to incorporate a bit more Council history into the site. After all, no one else is doing it, so why shouldn’t we? 🙂
While we figure out what to do with those anniversaries, here’s the standard list of updates for the New Year. We’ve updated:
–the banner image (full image included)
–copyright on the website pages
–link to the Boxwell Staff Alumni Association in the footer
–updated names and links for the “In Memory” page
Finally, if you are a Boxwell Staff member, we are looking for you! You may have been contacted already, but if you haven’t be on the look out. We’re trying to find everyone in preparation for the 2026 Boxwell Staff Reunion. More information to come!
Happy New Year!